Stalwart members of Cheddar Tennis Club braved the wind and squally showers to compete in the annual Unders versus Overs competition.

Prior to the start of play the official presentation of the 2021 LTA Regional Volunteer of the Year award took place.

Sarah Strawbridge, club chairman and welfare officer, was announced as the regional winner in April but Covid restrictions delayed any possibility of an earlier ceremony.

Presenting the award, Sharon Heeley, Head of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) South and South West region, commended Strawbridge for her huge contribution to the club during a particularly difficult year.

Weston Mercury: Head of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Sharon Heele presents the Regional Volunteer of the Year to Cheddar Tennis Club's Sarah Strawbridge.Head of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Sharon Heele presents the Regional Volunteer of the Year to Cheddar Tennis Club's Sarah Strawbridge. (Image: Archant)

Her leadership, enthusiasm, and determination to improve club facilities and make it a safe and welcoming place for everyone contributed to making her the worthy winner.

At the conclusion of the presentation the showers briefly relented, and the competition began, with 50 being loosely interpreted as the cut-off age between the Unders and Overs teams.

Five rounds of 20-minute doubles matches were played and throughout the afternoon the scores remained level until the final round concluded with the Overs team inching ahead by one game to clinch the title.

After the presentation of the Gordon Hill Memorial Trophy to the winning team the fun and competitive afternoon was then concluded with players enjoying a strawberry cream tea.