Saint Andrews Bowling Club has qualified for the knockout stages of the Fantastic Fives Competition.

In their final group match, they were victorious over North Petherton Parrots, with an away win of 5-3.

Consequently, they will go head-to-head against West Berks of Newbury in the regional final.

The dynamic five players who mostly form the team, Phil Villis, Richard Whittaker, Jean Whittaker, Darrell Johnston and Jill Bishop, contributed significantly towards the qualification.

Triumphant in the triples and fours, they compensated after Villis drew the singles.

While both the men's teams had a downfall at Wedmore in the Somerset County League, the women's team of Saints have had an applaudable season.

Nonetheless, they were narrowly defeated by rivals Victoria in the quarter finals of the Southey Trophy, marking the result on the triples which ended on a tie of 15-15 on the last end.

Had Meg Favis's team won that, Saints would have led.

Next on the agenda for Saints is this Sunday, when the Mike Stocker Memorial Triples will be conducted at Saint Andrews, with 28 teams from around the west participating.

The competition is coordinated by Mr Williams' family.