Winscombe Bowling Club hosted an open Men’s Triples tournament this Sunday, July 14th, with the trophy going to a trio from cross-town club St Andrews.

Jack and Si Angove along with Ian Allchorne, all from St Andrews, took on and beat a trio from the City of Wells Bowling Club to take the annual title.

It was another successful tournament at the Winscombe club, played on a beautiful sunny day, however there was a touch of sadness as a minute’s silence was held in memory of Simon Pascoe who passed away suddenly on Friday July 11th.

Simon was Secretary at Yeovil and as due to play in this tournament as captain of the 49ers team.

His wife and son together with the two remaining members of his team attended the morning of the tournament in his memory.

Simon had played at Winscombe on Wednesday in the over 55’s League for Yatton and so Winscombe decided to enter a scratch 49ers team into the tournament in memory of Simon.

The Tournament is played with two groups of 12 teams with the winners of each group playing each other in the final.

The winners of group A were the team from City of Wells, represented by Tony Denning, T. Blair, P. Hayes, just managed to pip ‘The Motley Crew’ to the top spot on shot difference.

Group B winners were ‘The Force' from St Andrews, made up of Allchorne and the two Angoves, who won all four group games but still finished just one point ahead of Paulton in a tough group.

The final was closely contested between ‘The Force’ and City of Wells, but it was ‘The Force’ who ended up being crowned the Triples Champions of Winscombe.

The runners-up third and fourth place final was won by group B runners-up Paulton, skipped by David Beard, as they managed to beat out ‘The Motley Crew’ who comprised of Graham Millard, Phil Villas, and Darrell Johnson.

Prize money was won by all four teams and the trophy was presented by Neil Westlake to ‘The Force’ on behalf of the tournament sponsors Avoncrop Amenity Products.