Major improvements to the course at Weston-super-Mare Golf Club have now been completed with the new bunkers on the 7th hole being opened this weekend.

These improvements are potentially the beginning of a major overhaul at the club which will ensure the course maintains its high ranking.

The faces of the monster bunkers on the 7th have been revetted with synthetic material, the walls constructed with eco-friendly turf layered with soil and grass, hopefully giving the bunkers a much longer lifespan.

Many of the UK’s top courses have adopted a similar building approach and if it’s deemed a success many of Weston’s greenside bunkers will be assessed for similar work.

Photographs of the 7th hole are often used to promote the club and these bunker improvements will enhance the marketing qualities of the hole even more.

Weston Golf Club gives many thanks to Simon Cresser and his staff for their work during the returfing and also to members who have patiently played with the 7th hole closed or with large areas of out of play.

This weekend sees the club hosting the 36-hole prestigious Grand Atlantic Trophy and the Club Championships will be held in mid-July.