A CAR was stuck in the mud on Weston beach for more than 12 hours at the weekend.

Weston Mercury: The car on the beach, submitted by Mary Spinks via weston.iwitness24.co.ukThe car on the beach, submitted by Mary Spinks via weston.iwitness24.co.uk (Image: (c) copyright citizenside.com)

Three men and a girl drove the car onto the beach near Knightstone Harbour at around 3-4am on Sunday.

Weston Mercury: The car on the beach, picture taken by Anne Gorton and submitted via via weston.iwitness24.co.ukThe car on the beach, picture taken by Anne Gorton and submitted via via weston.iwitness24.co.uk (Image: (c) copyright citizenside.com)

RNLI spokesman Glyn Hayes said it was suspected they had driven from elsewhere on the beach before the car got stuck.

He said they tried to get it out but the wheel spin made it even more difficult to do so, and they left it on the beach.

Mr Hayes said: “It’s foolhardy to attempt to drive on the beach. Even in places it seems firm, it can very easily change and then you start losing traction, sink and you have had it.

“The only places for cars are the designated car parks.”

North Somerset Council arranged for a the car to be towed from the beach for safety reasons, and the authority is now working with the police to find the car’s owner and recover its costs.