Students are working on a climate action plan to help fight climate change.

Worle Community School are working with climate education charity SOS-UK to create the plan, which will help the school go green.

Students in the Climate Justice Revolution Group are working on the plan, and are supported by an SOS-UK staff member.

SOS-UK said the students have shown "incredible enthusiasm and leadership" in developing the plan.

The students have also taken part in workshops to help increase their knowledge of climate issues, as well as litter picking and improving biodiversity in the school pond.

One student said: "There are things we can all do that actually make a difference.

"We have a say, we can do things ourselves, we don't need the government to tell us what to do."

Molly Scrase-Kings, CAPS co-ordinator with SOS-UK, said: "It's really inspirational to engage with the next generation on this crucial issue and I am privileged particularly to run the workshops for the Climate Justice Revolution Group at Worle.

"They are a group of self-motivated individuals who want to make a difference in their local environment and beyond.

"Everyone has the voice and power to make a contribution on this issue."