I WAS sorry to see Dan Aldridge’s recent Mercury article (‘Fixing our NHS’, printed on September 21) because many local people will have hoped Weston’s new MP would be less interested in one-sided party-political point-scoring than in helping local people instead.

I’m afraid there were lots of examples, starting with the claim that NHS problems are all the Conservatives’ fault, rather than accepting that the Welsh Labour-run NHS has many of the same issues – in some cases much worse – so genuine reforms will need more than finger-pointing.

Dan Aldridge was elected in July. (Image: Dan Aldridge) Then there was a tired old claim about NHS Test and Trace which the BBC’s ‘More or Less’ programme debunked ages ago.

And a reminder that I was Boris Johnson’s Anti-Corruption Champion without also mentioning that I resigned from the post on principle – the only person ever to do so.

So come on, Dan. You’re our ambassador and our voice in Westminster. For Weston’s sake, you can do better than this!