I'VE just returned from the Labour party’s annual conference in Liverpool, and I must say, the energy and sense of purpose were palpable.

We are a government determined to act swiftly, to listen to people’s concerns, and to make real changes where it matters most.

It’s been 12 weeks since we took office, and already, we’ve hit the ground running. I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished in such a short space of time and these past weeks have shown what's possible when we come together with a clear vision and a bold commitment to the future.

One of our first major successes was bringing bus services under local authority management. This is a game-changer for Weston and the surrounding communities, for too long, we’ve heard the frustrations about unreliable buses, infrequent services, and routes that just don’t meet the needs of our community.

By putting control back in the hands of local leaders, we can now shape a bus network that truly works for Weston. Whether it’s ensuring better connections for our more rural areas or increasing frequency during busy times, this change will make it easier for residents to get around, reduce traffic congestion, and help us work towards a more sustainable future for Weston.

This is about creating a public transport system that reflects the needs of our town and brings real benefits to everyone who lives here.

We’ve also been thinking long-term, which is why we’ve established a National Wealth Fund to safeguard our country’s economic future.

This fund will allow us to invest in critical infrastructure, green energy projects, and emerging technologies that will benefit our children and grandchildren. It’s about building a legacy—ensuring that we don’t just recover from the challenges of today but thrive in the years to come.

On the immigration front, I know many had serious concerns about the Rwanda deportation plan, and I want to make clear that we listened.

We’ve scrapped the plan and appointed a new border force chief who will bring a fresh, compassionate approach to managing our borders. We can protect our country while upholding the values of fairness and humanity that we all hold dear.

Here at home, I’m thrilled to share that we’re rolling out breakfast clubs for all school children. I know from speaking with local parents how vital this support is — not just for giving children the best start to their day but also for providing peace of mind to working families. No child in Weston should have to learn on an empty stomach, and this initiative will make a real difference.

We’ve also taken long-overdue action for those affected by the contaminated blood scandal, authorising payments to bring some justice to those who have suffered for far too long. I’m incredibly proud to stand with these individuals and ensure they receive the support they deserve.

Finally, we’re making life fairer for renters with the introduction of the Renters’ Rights Bill, which will provide much-needed protections for tenants. Housing is a fundamental issue, and this bill will give renters more security and a stronger voice in the housing market.

These are just the first steps in what will be a determined journey to improve lives and build a better, fairer country. I’m honoured to be part of this government, and I’m even more honoured to represent you as we continue this important work.