Milton Methodist Church Ladies Afternoon Group celebrated their 60th anniversary with a special tea.

The event took place on Thursday, September 19, at 2.30pm.

Christine Gilbert, a member from the group's inception, attended the celebration with her daughter Catherine.

The group, which began in 1964, was founded by June Gregory, the wife of the late Reverend Leslie Gregory.

Initially started as a young wives group for mothers to socialise, it later became the Ladies Evening Group due to its popularity.

Now, with approximately 50 members, the group meets in the afternoon to accommodate the schedules of members who are now grandparents and great-grandparents.

(Image: Milton Methodist Church Ladies Afternoon Group) The anniversary tea, organised by Jackie and Jo of Country Caterers, was described as an afternoon filled with smiles and laughter.

Christine Gilbert concluded the event by cutting the celebration cake, which was personally designed by Natalie, the daughter of member Pat Barnett.

The church's minister, Reverend Judith Lincoln, also attended the celebration.

A spokesperson for the club said: "Thank you to Muriel, Gill, Pat and the committee team for a very enjoyable afternoon, and to you all for continuing to support the meeting."