A GATE to a tower in a nature reserve will be locked after damage was caused to fencing and signage.

Fencing was cut and signage was pulled off the top of the tower at Uphill Nature Reserve after episodes of anti-social behaviour.

Nature and Climate North Somerset said it “will now be locking the gate to the tower”.

A message from the council-run Safer Stronger North Somerset group read: “Anti-social behaviour at Uphill Nature Reserve won’t be tolerated.

“Fencing has been cut, and signage has been pulled off the top of the tower.

“This comes after previous signage at the tower was also destroyed and had to be replaced.

“We’re facing unprecedented financial challenges as a council.

“The cost of repeatedly fixing damage caused by ASB is eating into budgets and resources that are already stretched thin.

“Uphill Nature Reserve should be a place for everyone to enjoy, but this behaviour needs to stop.

“To prevent more damage in the future, Nature and Climate North Somerset will now be locking the gate to the tower.

“The tower will still be open for planned events, such as with Uphill Village Society.

“If you notice anyone committing anti-social behaviour, please report this to the police via 101.

“Thank you to everyone who respects Uphill Nature Reserve.”