EVERY day in Parliament, MPs get so many opportunities to fight for our constituency interests; we’re bombarded by ideas, projects and plans and we hope we make the right calls on which to pursue, but some opportunities are real no-brainers.

Securing one of the four executive positions of the Hospitality and Tourism All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) was one of these opportunities, so last week, I did just that.

During the inaugural meeting, I spoke of the value of hospitality and tourism to Weston’s economy, culture and identity and how towns like ours must be part of the mission to rebuild our economy.

I also spoke of my passion for the town, and my commitment to work with businesses, customers and the Government to build a sector fit for the future.

Consequently, in a ballot of parliamentarians I was elected as vice-chair alongside Caroline Voaden, MP for South Devon, Damian Hinds, MP for East Hampshire and Chris Webb, MP for Blackpool South was elected chair.

We will now set priorities and an agenda for the next year with the support of the sponsor organisation and hospitality and tourism trade body, UK Hospitality.

With thousands in the town owing their livelihoods to hospitality and tourism, and our long and proud tradition of being a place of joy and sanctuary for millions, I’ve already met with many businesses in Weston and the wider region as well as the teams overseeing critical projects such as the Tropicana, Birnbeck Pier and the Old Town Quarry to make sure I’m supportive in any way I can be.

When my team come on board over the coming weeks, we’ll be reaching out even more to understand how I, and the Labour government, can support them, create opportunities for investment and growth, and increase the amount of skilled, well-paid jobs here in Weston.

It’s a huge privilege to work in the Palace of Westminster. Opportunities like this are huge for towns like ours, so often overlooked, and I was always frustrated we weren’t represented; so I’m glad I’m in the driving seat on this now.

Westminster is great, but I do miss being in Weston during the week.

It’s not just my family, friends and the dogs I miss, it’s our wanderings around the town, searching out treasures in the ‘geek shops’, finding bargains in the charity shops, curiosities in the Indoor Market and speaking to so many amazing, kind, friendly people in the process.

Speaking to MPs from across the country, it’s clear we’ve got something special and unique here. I’m determined to make the most of my opportunity as Weston’s MP to promote and support us on the national stage. This is just the start.