A FIELD near Highbridge could soon be turned into a secure site for dog walking under new plans submitted to Somerset Council.

The applicants, JE & LP Reason, have applied for the agricultural land to be used for ‘dog walking and recreation’ at Watchfield Lawn in Walrow.

A livestock building would be turned into an enclosed indoor space for clients, and a 1.9m (6ft 2in) fence and a secure car park would be built.

If the plans are given the green light, the dog walking field would be accessed via an existing gateway and stone track from Mark Road.

The site would be open between 6am and 8pm in the summer and between 6am and 6pm in the winter.

The proposed boundaries of the dog walking site.The proposed boundaries of the dog walking site. (Image: Google Street View)

Clients would be required to book their slots in advance online. They would be available at 30 and 60-minute intervals.

The planning statement, submitted by Greenslade Taylor Hunt, says: “The applicants are looking to diversify their existing agricultural business and wish to run a dog walking field/business, and therefore require the ability for the public to exercise dogs in the field within a secure environment.

“It is proposed to convert a field next to an existing commercial business park, so when viewed from afar, it will appear in keeping.

“The field is screened to the south, east and west by existing development and the existing business park.

“Once through the gateway, there will be a turning area to enable a three point turn to be carried out and two car parking spaces.

“French drains will be installed around the hardstanding area to ensure any surface-water run-off will not run directly into the watercourse.”

It adds: “The applicants have received requests from the public seeking permission to use the applicants' land for dog walking purpose within a safe environment.

“With the current rate of dog ownership and property development in the area, the applicants wish to provide a facility that is safe and secure.”

The application (number 11/24/00058) can be viewed in full using Somerset Council's online planning portal.

You can comment on the application until October 4.