A BEACHFRONT concert was interrupted yesterday (Sunday, August 11) as Burnham-on-Sea RNLI volunteers were called into action.

Weston-super-Mare's Worlewind Band had just finished setting up ahead of their performance at the RNLI lifeboat station, when volunteers were paged to assist with a rescue.

Thankfully, preparations had been made for this unlikely occurrence, and members of the public were cleared to a safe area, whilst normal launch preparations took place.

Local volunteers rushed to help two young girls in an inflatable dinghy, who had been reported as being carried out to sea on the dropping tide.

The band proceeded to play, as atmospheric music accompanied the swift departure of the Burnham Atlantic 85 lifeboat - as well as Doris Day and Brian - as launching tractor and boat left for the Esplande and Burnham Jetty.

The D Class lifeboat Burnham Reach had already left for the beach.

Upon arrival, crews discovered the partially inflated dinghy being towed towards the beach by a man in a kayak.

D Class Helm Jason Coombes, said: "We took the two girls on to our D Class and transported them as close to the shore edge as possible.

"The Burnham hovercraft was on the beach training so we requested their assistance in taking the cold and scared casualties back to hard sand.

"This they did, and handed their charges into the care of the Brean Beach Warden.

"During all this, the Atlantic 85 lifeboat had stood off to monitor and relay messages to Milford Haven Coastguard control.

"Both lifeboats were stood down and returned to Burnham-on-Sea - a good multi-agency rescue."

Upon their return, the lifeboat crews posed with the band conductor and key personnel during the refreshment interval.

The band played two sets with an interval halfway through where tea, biscuits and cake were served with payment by donation.

Around 100 people were present in the audience, who enjoyed the warm summer weather ensured the outdoor concert’s success.