A POPULAR pub doesn’t just have spirits behind the bar - they are everywhere as it’s haunted, Peter Dyke writes.

The Dolphin Pub in Uphill is experiencing all kinds of supernatural activity.

When Luke and Naomi Walkington took over running the place two years ago, they had heard spooky stories about the bar which dates back to the 1800s.

And it didn't take long for the couple to realise they were not alone.

Staff have reported seeing the figure of a child run across the seating area by the loos, witnessed wine glasses rattle and fly off their rack and seen glasses explode for no reason.

They have had to cope with the gas tap in the cellar being mysteriously turned off on a regular basis.

Luke says: ''Before we moved in, we were told the previous owner had claimed there was paranormal activity and had a guy come in to investigate.

“While they were upstairs, apparently a wardrobe lifted itself off the ground.

''I have always been a bit sceptical about these things, but I must confess that late at night it can get creepy in here.

“We have cameras installed and one time we were upstairs and heard this growling and banging coming from the bar, but when we went down there was nothing there.

''A clairvoyant came here and said she could feel the presence of a young boy.

“What's strange is that our five-year-old son claims he has an imaginary friend who follows him around the pub and he calls him Little Timmy.''

Naomi added: ''We had a message from someone at university who had looked into the history of the place.

“Apparently there's been a fire here in 1860, it used to be a refuge for smugglers and the body of a man who committed suicide was found on Uphill Beach and his body was brought here.

'We don't have a logical explanation for what's happening. But whatever is here seems friendly and we tend not to be worried about it.''