WE are now in a time of change and of opportunity.

After weeks of being out campaigning over evenings and weekends and an exciting general election, I’m looking forward to working with the new government and all new and returning local MPs.

I welcome the government’s commitment to boosting police numbers and making neighbourhood policing more visible.

I’m also looking forward to working with them on tackling big issues like male violence against women and girls (MVAWG) and knife crime, ensuring our communities are safer for everyone.

I have been meeting people from across Somerset and North Somerset to listen to and understand concerns and ideas about making communities safer in your area. It’s important to me that I hear from experts and people directly involved in delivering solutions to the specific challenges we are facing.

As your police and crime commissioner, I was elected at the beginning of May to ensure effective, answerable policing and crime prevention in our area. To do this successfully I need to have a clear strategy to deliver against for the next four years.

This strategy will be in my Police and Crime Plan. The draft plan will be published next month for consultation, and I hope you will share your views on both the Plan and ways it can be implemented.

I'd like to let you know about the Crime Prevention Through Sport Fund, which is now open for applications. This fund supports projects that use sport and physical activity to reduce violence, crime, and anti-social behaviour.

Through this fund we aim to provide support that stops young people engaging in offending behaviour. It will support projects with a thoughtful approach to helping young people involved, or at risk of involvement, in criminal activities.

As your PCC, I believe it's crucial to work together as a community to protect our young people. I encourage all sport groups and communities to apply for this grant to help create a safer, more supportive environment across Avon and Somerset. 

Please do have a look to see if this fund can help the work of your organisation or an organisation you know.

The deadline for applications is Monday, July 29: www.wesport.org.uk/funding/crime-prevention-through-sport-fund

Another new initiative I'm pleased to announce is free bystander intervention training, helping night-time economy workers to recognise the signs of sexual harassment to those working in this sector, like pubs, nightclubs, and hospitality.

You can sign up to the in-person or virtual sessions at www.nighttimeeconomy.com/avonandsomersetbystanderintervention

Ensuring safety in our communities requires proactive measures. By empowering night time economy workers with bystander intervention training, we can enable them to play a key role in creating safer nightlife environments.

This training is essential for preventing MVAWG and fostering a secure and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone.

Together, let’s keep building a safer, more inclusive community.

I look forward to meeting many of you across Somerset and North Somerset and working together over the coming weeks, months and years to achieve our shared goals.