A student at Sidcot School came out top in the latest International Baccalaureate (IB) results, scoring eight points over the world average.

Sidcot School, located near Bristol, is one of the only institutions in the area to offer the IB.

Its broad curriculum emphasises study skills, community service, and internationalism.

Rosalie said: “I value everything I have learned in the IB, which, at times, was very challenging.

“I enjoyed taking various subjects and getting to know many more things about the world.

“The IB has equipped me with better skills for university, such as time management and essay writing.

“Overall, I am thankful for the experience of the IB, all the things I learned and the people I met.”

James Jones, head of Sidcot School, said: "Congratulations to our International Baccalaureate students on receiving their IB results over the weekend.

"The IB is a rigorous and highly prestigious international qualification that develops the inquiring, knowledgeable, confident and caring leaders of tomorrow that our world needs.

"Throughout the diploma programme, students study a broad range of disciplines and develop a holistic approach to education.

"The global perspective and focus on future-ready skills means that our Sidcot students are fully prepared to take the next step in their studies and the wider world beyond."

Stefania Cauli, IB Coordinator at Sidcot School, said: "The IB aims to form well-rounded and responsible citizens of the future.

"The holistic approach of the Diploma Programme ensures that teachers and students embark on this learning path together and learn from each other.

"I am extremely proud of our students' hard work and commitment and the successes they have achieved."