TWO lifts could be installed at Weston-super-Mare railway station to improve its accessibility.

Network Rail’s proposal includes the installation of two 13-person lifts with associated lift equipment room and new stairs and ramps to both platforms 1 and 2.

Its application, submitted in June, also includes the proposed demolition of the eastern external relief stairs on platform 1, partial demolition of the internal stairs and intermediate landing, and partial demolition of northern external relief stairs and the internal stairs and intermediate landing on platform 2.

The proposal is to provide step-free access in and around the station as part of Network Rail’s programme of station accessibility enhancements under the Government’s nationwide Railways for All Strategy, which is supported by an Access for All (AfA) fund.

The Department for Transport identified Weston-super-Mare as a railway station that would benefit from the AfA funding.

The current application is a re-submission of an application (23/P/1135/MAA) refused on November 30, 2023, due to insufficient evidence regarding bats.

This application is a replica of the previous application but in addition it includes a Bat Survey to overcome the reason for refusal.

Two proposals were looked at in detail to improve the accessibility of the station.

Option 1 proposed the adaptation of the existing footbridge and the alteration of the existing buildings to enable the construction of two lift shafts.

This proposal involves the partial demolition of stairs and raising of the existing stairs to create a level landing so that the existing footbridge can be accessed via the stairs and lifts.

Option 2 proposed an additional new footbridge at the northeast of the station in which the 2 passenger lifts would be installed within new lift shafts.

Option 1 was chosen to be progressed after initial feedback provided by North Somerset Council and Historic England (HE) who both considered that it would be the preferable option.