A YEAR-LONG initiative designed to encourage and celebrate acts of kindness by pupils has seen Uphill Village Academy formally accredited as a Kindness Ambassador School.

The school in Weston-super-Mare has seen its commitment to fostering a culture of kindness within the school community earn official recognition from the charity 52 Lives.

Throughout the year, Uphill has engaged in various initiatives to promote kindness.

The school elected lead ambassadors from Year 6 and designated kindness ambassadors from every class.

These ambassadors played a crucial role in embedding kindness into daily school life.

They attended online networks with other schools across the UK, sharing and learning best practices in promoting kindness.

To help foster a kind environment, Uphill implemented several strategies, including:

• Pledges and certificates: Acknowledging and celebrating acts of kindness.

• Kindness bench: Managed by ambassadors, providing a dedicated space for students to sit and experience kindness.

• Posters and kindness boards: Reminders and suggestions for showing kindness displayed around the school.

Being designated as a School of Kindness emphasises that kindness is the most important quality a child can possess.

The 52 Lives charity believes kindness exists within everyone and sometimes just needs to be unlocked.

By working with thousands of children each year, they help create a culture of kindness in classrooms.

Lucy de Scossa, the learning mentor who led this project at Uphill, said: "At Uphill Village Academy, we feel that everyone deserves kindness and that kindness should be celebrated.

“Seeing the ambassadors shine with pride is a joy, they take great pleasure in sharing their kindness across the school.

“The kindness ambassadors encourage and acknowledge acts of kindness among pupils and staff, which are celebrated with certificates.

“We have noticed a positive change in our school since starting the 52 Lives program and look forward to expanding our kindness pledges next year.

“Kindness is a role model that everyone can share.”

Uphill Village Academy is committed to continuing its journey of kindness, ensuring that every student and staff member experiences the profound impact of kindness in their daily lives.