A GROUP of friends is joining a fundraising challenge involving three different activities this month to raise funds for a “truly cruel disease which currently has no cure”.

Chris Bradley, along with five friends, is looking to raise £1,500 by running, cycling, and swimming “as much as possible” to raise funds for the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Chris said: “Myself and five friends (Darran Griffiths, Stu Short, Sam Johnson, Tim Marshall, and Dan Whitford) are raising money and awareness for the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association this month.

“We are aiming to raise £1,500 but would love to get to a higher total.

“Our challenge this month is to run, cycle, and swim as much as possible.

“Because all our fitness levels differ we all have different goals for the month.

“For example, myself and Darran hope to do more than 180 miles over the three activities, Stu is aiming for 300 miles on his bike, Sam 100+ miles on his exercise bike and Tim and dan hope to do over 50 miles over the three activities.

“We chose MND because it's truly a cruel and awful disease which currently has no cure.

“We've seen on the news with high profile sufferers such as Rob Burrow and Doddie Weir who recently passed away, what a terrible disease it is but what brilliant work they did before they died by raising the awareness of the disease.

“We hope one day soon there will be a cure.

“We would all like to thank everybody so far who has donated.”