TWO men have been arrested after officers discovered drugs and cash during a stop and search in Weston-super-Mare over the weekend.

Officers on patrol stopped a car that had been linked by intelligence as being involved in drug supply in the area.

Two men were arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs (cocaine) and were taken to custody while further searches were carried out at a property in Milton Brow, Weston-super-Mare.

During this search, a substantial amount of suspected cocaine and cannabis were discovered, along with thousands of pounds in cash.

The two men have been bailed pending further enquiries and the property has been seized as it is subject to the ongoing investigation.

Sgt Joe Pitman said: “My team and I will relentlessly pursue those involved in the supply of Class A drugs. Controlled drugs bring nothing but pain and misery to our communities.

“In this instance, it was the support of the public and the information they provided to the police which helped us locate and seize these drugs. They will no longer make it out onto our streets.

“I urge the public to continue to provide us with information as, without the support of the public, we would not be able to successfully locate, detain, and arrest these individuals.

“These recent arrests demonstrate that we will act on the information provided to us in a timely manner in order to make our communities a safer place to live, work and, socialise in.”