VISITORS to Weston-super-Mare seafront are warned to look out for "Moon jellyfish" which deliver a "mild sting".

The "harmless" creatures washed up on the shore in "large amounts" on Friday, June 28, and are about the size of a plate and dome-shaped.

North Somerset Council said its contractor Glendale would be "removing what they can" of the jellyfish.

The council said in a post to Weston Seafront: "If you’re heading to our beautiful beach in the next few days, please be aware a high number of jellyfish have washed up on shore.

"Similar has happened at Brean and on Berrow Beach. It’s been caused by the prevailing tides and winds, and it’s likely to be the case for a few days.

"Please don’t worry. We believe they’re Moon jellyfish and they’re harmless. They do have a mild sting - like a nettle - that can be treated with salt water.

"Please don't touch them and be careful with your dogs so they don’t accidentally eat something they really shouldn’t!

"We’ve put signage out at the entrances to the beach and our contractor Glendale will be removing what they can."

Councillor Mike Solomon shared in a post on Friday: "We've had a large amount of what are believed to be moon jellyfish washed up on the last high tide.

"They aren't harmful. People should not touch them and be careful with their children and dogs. We will wait and see what happens at the next high tide and consider putting signage out."