Research from the home insurance team at Compare the Market has revealed that nearly three-quarters (72%) of people in the UK have experienced some form of pest in their homes before. From moths and mice to rats and bats, if they get inside a home, pests can cause no end of issues and can be tricky to get rid of. 

Using a survey, the research also revealed the most commonly found pests in homes across the UK. Anna McEntee, from the home insurance team at Compare the Market has also provided some top tips for removing these pesky critters and has advised on how pests can impact home insurance. 

1. Spiders 

Finding their way into almost half (49%) of all homes in the UK, spiders are the most common household pest. These eight-legged critters are most likely to be found in Glasgow, with 65% of those in the Scottish capital saying they’ve previously had these in their home. 

Anna McEntee from the home insurance team at Compare the Market says, “Spiders like dusty, dark corners, so keeping your house clean is a good way to keep spiders at bay. Peppermint oil can also be a good spider deterrent, so try soaking cotton balls in the essential oil and placing them in areas where you’ve noticed them. Alternatively, you could start growing peppermint plants on your windowsill, balcony, or entryway.”

2. Flies

Impacting 44% of UK households, flies are the second most common household pest. Those living in Belfast are impacted by these pesky insects the most, with 58% of people surveyed saying they’ve previously been bothered by flies in their homes. 

Anna advises, “Flies are attracted to things like pet waste, smelly drains, overripe fruit, and sticky kitchen sides, so make sure to keep on top of your cleaning and keep your bins sealed. If the problem persists, you could try out sticky fly paper or an indoor light trap.”

3. Ants

Ants are the third most common household pest, having found their way into one-third (31%) of UK homes. Those living in Southampton, suffer from ants the most, with 44% of residents saying they’ve had ants in their property before. 

Anna says, “Ants usually enter the home through cracks and gaps in your exterior walls, so make sure these are completely sealed to prevent any more from getting in. As with flies, ants usually enter houses in search of food, so make sure countertops are clean, and keep any leftover food in sealed containers, or the fridge.”

4. Moths

Nearly a quarter (23%) of people in the UK have had moths in their homes, making them the fourth most common household pest. Belfast residents are the most likely to be affected by moths, as the data reveals that 32% of people in the city have had to deal with the pests in their homes. 

Anna suggests, “Moths like dark, warm spaces, so make sure to regularly check your wardrobe and drawers and give them a thorough cleaning. Also ensure clothes are completely clean before being put away, as moths are particularly attracted to food or perspiration stains. Lavender and cedar can also be a good moth deterrent, so placing these in your wardrobe or drawers could help to keep the moths at bay.”

5. Wasps

Wasps have come in fifth place, with 22% of people saying they’ve had an issue with them. Those living in Belfast (37%) are most likely to find them in their property. This is followed by Newcastle and Liverpool, with 29% of residents in each city saying they’ve previously had wasps in their home.

On the best way to remove wasps, Anna says, “As with ants, wasps have a sweet tooth, so keep food covered, and put a lid on any bins. Certain smells can help to deter wasps too. Soaking cotton balls in peppermint oil and placing them where wasps might congregate could prevent them from coming back, and burning citronella candles might also help. If you do find a wasp’s nest in your garden or home, however, the best thing to do is to call a professional to deal with the issue safely.” 

Rounding off the top 10 most common household pests are slugs (16%), mice (15%), silverfish (10%), mosquitoes (9%) and rats (9%). 

On how pests can impact home insurance, Anna says, “As well as being a nuisance, pests can pose a health hazard, and may also cause damage to your property.

“It’s important to note, however, that most home insurance policies don’t cover damage made by pests. But, you may be able to get a pay-out for the removal of animals such as mice, rats, and wasps, if you have home emergency cover. We can’t always prevent pests from getting into our homes, but adding this optional insurance will give you peace of mind that you’re fully protected in the event that you need to call in the professionals to pest-proof your home.”