A WESTON author has dedicated her second novel to a late friend who spent her final holiday in the area.

GJ Williams from Uphill has just released The Wolf’s Shadow which is part of her Tudor Rose Murders series.

The medieval crime-themed book is dedicated to Amanda White.

She was the “prosecco pal and partner in crime” of writer Jane (whose full name is Gwenllian Jane Williams).

The pair enjoyed a close friendship for many years.

However, brave Amanda from Herts battled cancer for two decades and, shortly before her death aged 64 in 2022, she and her family enjoyed one last holiday in Jane’s home in Uphill village.

In the book, historical crime fiction author Jane writes the dedication: “To Amanda, whose strength, advice, kindness and laughter gave me a friendship I will hold dear until we meet again beyond the veil. I so miss being your apprentice in crime.”

As a result, she is now is donating 20 per cent of the royalties from the book to Cancer Research UK.

Jane, 61, said: ''Amanda was my dearest friend. She had her last holiday here.

"I left so she could just spend time with her son and grandchildren here and go to the beach and go to the cafe and have a place nearby she could go back to and just lie down.

''I miss her dearly. She was curious, bright, intelligent, wise, and very practical and would always give me a straight answer. She was my mentor in many ways.''

Such is her continued close bond with Amanda's family that last week they embarked on the four-hour drive to Uphill for Jane's book launch at The Boathouse.

Amanda's son Ash, 42, said: ''Mum would be tickled pink about this. It is very emotional being here. To have her name in print in the book is a huge thing.''