FOUR flats could soon be built above a vets in Weston-super-Mare.

Prior approval is being sought from North Somerset Council to turn office units above Vets4Pets on Milton Road into four flats.

It is also located opposite Weston Orthodontic Centre.

The flats would each have one double bedroom and a combined kitchen and living room. They would also have handy access to the Co-op, which is also located in the building, and use of the existing on-site parking.

Plans were first submitted in December but were turned down over a lack of information about the noise impacts.

In the decision notice, the council said: “Inadequate information has been submitted to demonstrate that existing noise sources adjacent to the site would not give rise to significant adverse noise impacts that would unacceptably harm the living conditions of future occupants of the proposed flats, or that such impacts could be overcome by the imposition of conditions.”

Now, they have been resubmitted to the council with a noise assessment, stating: “The proposals will not give rise to significant adverse effects on health and quality of life.”

You can view and comment on the plans here: