More than 200 businesses across North Somerset have signed up for the region's Breastfeeding Welcome scheme.

This marks a significant milestone for the initiative by North Somerset Council.

It signifies the region's commitment towards facilitating and encouraging a comfortable breastfeeding environment.

The council-devised scheme encourages businesses and venues to display a Breastfeeding Welcome sticker or poster in their windows.

This is an uplifting sign to parents, indicating a supportive environment for breastfeeding.

Besides showing visual signs, staff are also expected to be aware and extra supportive of breastfeeding mothers.

For those interested, a comprehensive interactive map and list of participating businesses are available on the Better Health North Somerset website.

Both parents and businesses can check the details and, businesses may register to join the support network.

In addition, updates about welcome venues, groups and related events are regularly posted on the Instagram account of Breastfeeding North Somerset team.

Weston Mercury:

Matt Lenny, North Somerset Council’s director of public health, said: "Breastfeeding has many benefits for both mum and baby.

"We know from our data that nearly 80 per cent of new mums in North Somerset start off breastfeeding but many find it more difficult when they’re out and about, away from home, shopping or visiting cafes and restaurants.

"Of course, you can breastfeed your baby wherever you’d like to!

"Mums should never be made to feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding in public".

He continued: "Our Breastfeeding Welcome scheme gives an extra layer of reassurance knowing that the venue you’re visiting is signed up to the scheme and fully supportive of breastfeeding in all public areas of their business".

The region offers ample infant feeding support avenues including weekly groups, Facebook support groups and professional healthcare advice.

Gagandeep Gill, a kitchen operation manager for Lounges, which operates three café bars in North Somerset and supports the scheme, said: "The scheme is a great way for Brunello, Teatro and Impero Lounges to support the community which is a big focus for every one of our businesses.

"We love supporting local families and having the sticker displayed in the window lets parents know they are welcome to breastfeed in our Lounges."

Businesses and venues seeking to sign up for the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme can do so at