A REPLICA of a ornate Victorian 'stink pipe' was put into place next to the A370 to the south of Weston last week to replace an original landmark.

The cast-iron vent stack on Bleadon Hill had stood proud for over 120 years, but had to be removed at the end of last year because it had fallen into a state of disrepair.

The purpose of the original structure had been to allow gases to escape from underground sewers high above ground level.

Wessex Water, pipe owners, pledged to put in a replica, and have now fulfilled on that promise.

Weston Mercury: The old 'stink pipe'.The old 'stink pipe'. (Image: Wessex Water)

A spokesperson from the company said: “Unfortunately, we had no option but to remove the original top sections of the pipe last year because it had fallen into a dangerous state over the years.

“But we knew that had caused some sadness locally because it had become something of a favourite local landmark.

"That’s why we pledged to get a replica constructed, which we made ourselves and reinstalled as soon as we could and we’re pleased to finally have it back in place."