NORTH Somerset Council has started works to secure the Old Magistrates Court in Weston-super-Mare after evidence of unauthorised access and the discovery of asbestos inside the Grade II listed building.

If left undisturbed, the presence of asbestos does not pose a risk to public health and safety, the council said.

However, signs will be put in place at the building’s entrances, so that anyone authorised to enter the building is aware of its presence.

In the coming weeks, surveys will take place inside the building to understand if any further steps should be taken to ensure the safety of anyone authorised to enter.

These surveys will also help the council continue exploring options for the building’s future.

Once the surveys have been completed, steel shutters will be fitted to the entrances to offer further security.

These have been chosen with careful consideration of the building’s listed status, ensuring its historic features are not damaged.

Councillor Mike Bell, Leader of North Somerset Council, said: “Originally built in 1934, the Old Magistrates Court is an important historic building and part of Weston’s local heritage.

“As is typical of buildings from the era, asbestos was used in construction and remains present inside the building.

“Whilst asbestos is a potentially dangerous building material, I’d like to reassure both residents and visitors that it only poses a risk if it is damaged, broken up and its fibres enter the air.

“This hasn’t happened in this case. Nevertheless, it is important that we now secure the building and complete surveys to ensure continued safety of the site.

“These surveys are also helpful as we continue to explore options for the building’s future, making sure any use will maintain the building’s place within our local heritage and town character.

“As a building with both a listed interior and exterior, this presents a number of challenges as to what we can and can’t do.

“However, we are open to ideas and want to work with local residents in finding a future use for the building that fits in with our ambitions for Weston town centre.”

Councillor John Crockford-Hawley, North Somerset’s Heritage Champion, said: “The Old Magistrates Court is a historic building in the centre of Weston-super-Mare and it’s important we undertake these works to secure the building.

“By working closely with our conservation and heritage experts we can be sure any works do not impact on the character of the building.

“We will also continue to involve our conservation and heritage experts in conversations about future use of the building.”