THE Thatchers Foundation have given a large contribution to Weston Foodbank for the purchase of a new delivery van.

The Thatchers Foundation, which helps and supports communities and charitable activities in Somerset, gave Weston Foodbank funding of just over £7,000 towards the purchase of the new van, as well as paying to have the vehicle sign-written for the foodbank.

Weston Foodbank, who have been providing emergency food supplies for families and individuals in North Somerset for the past 11 years, supported 4200 people in the first six months of 2023 – a nearly 50% rise in demand from last year.

In the last financial year, volunteers distributed over 85 tons of food with these ever-increasing demands for the services of Weston Foodbank resulting in the growing need for a new delivery van.  

The van, a Citroen Dispatch, bought with the help of the Thatchers Foundation, will be used by foodbank staff to collect donated food from local supermarkets, helping them cope with the growth of food poverty in North Somerset. 

Alvin Jeffs, from Weston Foodbank, said: “We have supported the development of a food pantry at The Purple Sheep Pantry and Community Kitchen, which allows people to buy surplus foodstuffs at drastically reduced prices. 

"This is a real innovation for North Somerset and allows people the dignity of purchasing significant food supplies at very low cost. 

“To cope with the demand for our services we have had to rent a warehouse as well as invest in a new van for our supermarket collections.”

“The donation from The Thatchers Foundation has been a brilliant contribution to the purchase of the van, which they very kindly arranged to have sign-written as well.

"Our previous van came to the end of its useful life, so we’re all delighted to have the new one, it will make such a difference and allow us to continue to provide food for our customers.”

Anne Thatcher was one of the members of staff from The Thatchers Foundation who visited the Weston Foodbank to hand over the cheque.

She said: “With around 10% of the population of North Somerset estimated to be experiencing food poverty, the demands on the Foodbank are increasing at an unbelievable rate.

"When we heard they were looking to fund a new van to help with food collections, we were delighted to be able to help.

“By seeing the Foodbank’s branding on the new van we hope it will not only encourage people in difficulty to come forward for assistance, but also encourage others to find out more about the Foodbank and contribute to their fundraising.”