A DECOY operation by police to raise awareness of child exploitation found most hotels and taxi firms in Avon and Somerset fail to recognise key signs that a child may be at risk.

Plain clothed officers and volunteer cadets aged between 14 and 16 recently made test bookings with local firms as part of Operation Makesafe.

Officers visited 22 hotels and B&Bs across the force area and attempted to book a room with cash, accompanied by an underage child without identification.

Three establishments refused to book the room due to concerns that something wasn’t right.

Two hotels refused for other reasons, such as not taking cash or allowing one-night stays, but would have accepted the booking had it met these requirements.

The rest allowed the adult to book the room, no questions asked.

Officers and cadets also approached six taxi companies to make bookings for the child to travel alone to a distant location.

All of the firms agreed to transport the child, with one taxi office happy to take two children to two different locations outside the force area.

Child exploitation prevention officer Androulla Nicolaou said: “These were really disappointing results. It’s hard to see how many people are unaware of the signs of child exploitation, or are not willing to question a customer if they don’t think something is right.

"We all need to take responsibility for protecting vulnerable children within our communities in whatever way we can.”

Avon and Somerset Police have previously provided training and guidance to local businesses around how to spot the signs of criminal and sexual child exploitation and the actions they should take.

Following each of the visits, officers gave feedback and advice to all hotels and taxi drivers, with many having since got in touch with the police force to take up the offer of training for their staff and employees.

Detective Inspector Grant Boyd said: “This has highlighted a concerning lack of awareness of signs of exploitation or when a child may be at risk.

"We will be looking to carry out further training with businesses to ensure staff have the knowledge and confidence to report when there are signs of child exploitation."