AS the New Year is just around the corner, Weston Town Council has reminded what their plans are for 2023.

Malcolm Nicholson, town clerk said: "2023 is looking like a big year for Weston Town Council. Here we list some of the highlights and challenges coming in the New Year."

  • "Castle Batch SEN Play Area plans are moving ahead with work due to commence in 2023. We are still yet to reach our final funding target to make this all-inclusive play area a flagship park that would be an example for places across the UK, however, we have done enough to be sure that the plans will go ahead.
  • We are supporting the installation of a new tree nursery at the Maltlands and working towards our vision of planting 10,000 trees by the end of the year (some are already planted)
  • We are moving offices and will be moving to our new home in the former Mercury Building, hopefully by the middle of the year.
  • We are working with the local food bank and food club to help support them at this increased time of pressure with food poverty. We also have been given a grant of £6,000 for the community fridge to develop it as a climate hub. This will help it keep the doors open longer as well as giving more opportunities for climate change solutions.
  • We are continuing to work with North Somerset Council to take over and improve the Town Quarry and hope to have more news on that shortly.
  • We have been into opportunities for the Silica and hope to turn it into a digital hub. More news to follow on this.
  • We are looking at making improvements to the Water Park splash system and the Christmas lights.
  • In May there will be full district and town council elections and we will have some returning and likely some new council members joining us at the Town Council."

"May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family and loved ones a happy and healthy New Year."

The first meeting within the town council for 2023 is the Planning Committee meeting on January 11, 2023 and that will start at 7am running until 9pm.