A COMMUNITY building that has served Congresbury for more than 70 years may be forced to close.

A COMMUNITY building that has served Congresbury for more than 70 years may be forced to close.

A shortage of volunteers could spell the end for the War Memorial Hall due to the rules that govern the way it is run.

The High Street building hosts club and society events for about 300 people each week, but only has four people left to run the committee, which should be 20-strong.

Committee chairman John Freemantle, of the Causeway, said: "This really is a case of use it or lose it.

"If the villagers won't support it, it won't be around to help them any more.

"We just can't carry on like this, not least because the rules of the trust say we need enough people to keep going."

November's committee meeting was abandoned before it started after just four people showed up.

The volunteers run the hall on behalf of a charitable trust, the rules of which state 10 members must be elected, with 10 others representatives from clubs that use it.

Snooker and billiards clubs, card leagues, short mat bowls clubs, a social club and badminton groups all use the hall.

Mr Freemantle added: "We are desperate to get people on board to help us to save the hall.

"We only ask for people to give up a few hours each year to keep the management of the hall ticking over, but the village doesn't seem to want to give it its support."

In better times up to 20 people have volunteered for the positions, which require attendance at just four meeting each year.

Mr Freemantle said the hall was built at the end of World War One after villagers decided they would rather have a community centre than a monument.

If a committee cannot be found at a meeting in January the committee will have to disband and relinquish control of the hall, which could see if fall under the control of Congresbury Parish Council.

To get involved with the committee, call Mr Freemantle on 01934 832258.