WEST WOODSPRING INNER WHEEL: Thirty five years of the founding of West Woodspring Inner Wheel was celebrated at Weston Golf Club. Members heard president Carol Schubert congratulate the club on this wonderful achievement and this was made all the more special in that three founder members of the club, Beryl Bowen, Mary Owen and Brenda Toogood remain active members today.

To start proceedings Beryl was invited to light the friendship candle, following which she was presented with a bouquet by president Carol, on behalf of the club (pictured above).

Secretary Ann Adams read extracts from the minutes of the inaugural meeting when Barbara Driver was the first president.

Commenting on the issues raised at that time, president Carol stated that the only difference between then and now appeared to be the financial obligation of the annual subscription, which in those days was less than �2.

MOOSE INTERNATIONAL LODGE 55: A charity auction and dinner in aid of Sunshine Hospital Radio, will be held at The Commodore Hotel, Sand Bay, on December 3. There will be a three course meal costing �18.95. For a menu choice contact Jo White on 522316 or 07944 156706, Mike Willcox 814042 for menu choice and booking.

RETIRED GAS EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION - WESTON BRANCH: There will be a lunch at The Windsor Castle Public House on October 25 at 12.45 for 1pm. Members who have not replied to attend and still wish to do so should contact the secretary as soon as possible on 01934 627508.

BLEADON PHOTOGRAPHIC GROUP: The group held a workshop on portrait photography at their last meeting, ably supported by Ian Johnson who kindly brought along and set up lighting and backdrops and Sally Green, who engaged some models for the group to photograph.

Those who were more experienced helped those who were not and all in all everyone had an enjoyable evening gaining knowledge in this area of photography.

At our next meeting we will be entertained by the A1 club from Weston who will be coming to give us an evening of their own style of photography.

October 25 we will see John Bjergfelt LRPS, an active and creative photographer, giving a presentation of his work.

Why not join us for an interesting evening at the Coronation Hall Bleadon.

New Members are always welcome, please visit the website www.bleadonphotographicgroup.moonfruit.com or contact Carol Wilson 01934 628070.

WESTON HOMEMAKERS: The meeting in October was a slide show and talk by Ruth Pizzichemi entitled ‘Magic of the Okavango’. She told us of her visit to Botswana and showed us some of the beautiful paintings of elephants and wild dogs and to her which had inspired her on her visit. Our notices were given and good wishes were sent to several members who were unable to come due to falls and illness.

Our next meeting is on November 1 at Weston Social Club.

WOODSPRING SCRABBLE CLUB: The club meets every Wednesday at 2pm in The United Reform Church Hall, Waterloo Street, Weston. News members are most welcome for any details telephone Madge on 01934 815358.

WESTON SCRABBLE CLUB: The club joined forces with Channel Scrabble Club for a week’s holiday in Weymouth. As well as nightly scrabble competitions in the hotel lounge many daytime activities were enjoyed by members including day trips to the Channel Isles. The evening team quiz was won by the JJDS headed by Doreen Morris, the pairs scrabble was won by Mary Beecher and Doreen Morris and the scrabble singles winner was Sheila Kennedy.

CONGRESBURY OVER 60’S CLUB: Members of the club gave an enthusiastic welcome to Jimi Rizzo who very kindly stepped in at the last minute as a replacement for the scheduled speaker. Jimi gave an outstanding performance with favourite songs from performers such as Perry Como, Dean Martin, Pat Boone, Neil Diamond and many other stars from that era. With a mixture of bouncy tunes interspersed with jokes he gave members an extremely enjoyable afternoon and everyone is looking forward to his visit next April.

The club meets every other Tuesday at the War Memorial Hall from 2.30pm-4pm.

Entertainment is provided at each meeting and on October 18 the entertainment will be provided by the ever popular Mike and his Music.

MARK FRIENDSHIP CLUB: The vice-chairman, George Puddy, opened the meeting, and after welcoming everyone, requested that we remain silent for a few moments in memory of Doreen Coles, one of our last remaining founder-members, who died recently. Her funeral was at Mark Church on October 7. Business completed, it was time to welcome our guest speaker, Peter Tinney.

We look forward to Peter’s annual visit, and never tire of his stories of village and country-folk life, and as always, he manages to put a smile on everyone’s face. Tea followed, and a reminder of our last outing for the year today (Thurs) to the Forest of Dean and the Wye Valley. Our next meeting will be October 20, when Miss Eileen Goundry will show more of her interesting travel slides.

WESTON SOCIETY OF ARTS: On November 2 Mr Peter Lea, former theatre manager and director will talk on ‘Pantomime – life behind the curtains – meeting the stars’.

The meeting opens at 2pm at Victoria Methodist Church Hall, Station Road, Weston.

DIABETES UK (WESTON GROUP): The group is holding a ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ style quiz on October 29 at Weston Social Club, Devonshire Road, Weston 7 for 7.30pm.

On December 3 we will be running a coach to the Bath Christmas Market at a cost of �8 per person. For further details please contact C Staff on 01934 628985 or D Prest on 01934 823206, everyone is welcome to join us for both events.

RAFA CONCERT BAND – THE BLAKEHAY RESIDENT BAND: The Night at the Oscars Concert in the Blakehay Theatre was certainly a night to remember for all the right reasons. Future engagements coming up: October 15 - RAFA concert and two Welsh choirs, Barry Comprehensive School at 7.30pm. October 23 - German band - private gig. November 9 - Royal British Legion March-4-Honour and Poppy appeal in the grounds of Cardiff Castle. November 12 - RAFA Concert, Melksham Town Hall at 7.30pm.

Visit our website on www.rafaswconcertband.org.uk or ring 01934 820205 for more details.

OLD WESTONIANS’ REUNION: Around 150 ex-pupils of the former Weston-super-Mare Boys’ and Girls’ Grammar Schools gathered on October 2 at the Royal Hotel, South Parade to celebrate the time they were at school together over 50 years ago!

Although a substantial proportion of Old Boys and Girls still live in the Somerset area, many nowadays live and come from further afield, with addresses from over 20 British counties. Some travel from overseas, like Patricia Rawlings from Canada, who has joined us this year.

The organisation of the reunions is undertaken by former pupils Dr Jeff Hynds, Lesley Blackwell and Rita Sprague.

Enquiries from anyone who attended the grammar schools are welcome.

For further information, please contact publicity officer Rosemary Hodges on 01934 862651, or organiser Jeff Hynds at jeffhynds@hotmail.com

WEST WOODSPRING ROTARY CLUB: At the recent business meeting, arrangements for involving local secondary schools in Rotary competitions, such as Youth Speaks and Young Chef as well as informing them of Rotary’s national and international roles were discussed, and it was agreed that this action should be pursued, in conjunction with our Mother Club of Weston. A meeting had taken place with a group called Contact the Elderly, that deals with assisting isolated, elderly folk and it was proposed that club members should become involved in the group’s activities thereby pursuing Rotary’s motto of “Service before Self”. If any leading business/professional man or woman would like to become involved in these and other activities please contact Dick Richards on 844214.

WESTON BRASS: The next engagement is at Victoria Methodist Church on October 22. The band is currently working on a brand new programme featuring music from classic movies like E.T., West Side Story, Robin Hood and also solos from band members Alison Linfield and Adam Hall. Included in the programme will be a special guest appearance of the popular talented local singer Lucy Taylor. This charity concert in aid of the Children’s Hospice South West promises to be very popular, and tickets can be purchased in advance by contacting Margaret on 01934 822938 or on the door on the night.

Conductor Steven Sykes will be taking the band for a brass workshop on October 29.

WESTON CONSERVATIVE CLUB: Entertainers for October are: DJ Rob - 15, Phil Gardner-Vocalist – 22, Pat and Hayley Mallon - 29.

This years’ charity event is being held on November 19 with all proceeds going to Freewheelers EVA. Last year’s charity St John’s Ambulance is being presented with a cheque for �1,000 by John Penrose MP on the night so a big thank you to all our members who contributed to raising this money.

Tickets are priced at �10 each and this includes a buffet and entertainment, provided by John Williams. Black tie/evening dress is the dress code. Please call 01934 626185 for further details.

THE FRIENDS OF WESTON MUSEUM: Members will be hosting two speaker meetings at the museum in Burlington Street.

The first on Wednesday at 2pm when Janet Izzard will be telling us about ‘Growing up in Weston’.

The next meeting will be on November 17 at 7.30pm when we will hear about ‘The Weston, Clevedon and Portishead Light Railway’.

This will be given by Paul Gregory, chairman of the W C & P group.

Visitors are welcome at both events and can pay on the door, �2 for the afternoon meeting and �3 for the evening meeting.

Coffee and tea will be available during the evening meeting.

BANWELL SOCIETY OF ARCHAEOLOGY: The group will meet tomorrow (Fri) in Banwell Village Hall at 7.30pm.

The speakers will be Professor Mick Aston of Channel 4’s Time Team and Teresa Hall M Phil, who will be speaking about ‘The Winscombe Archaeological and Historical Project’.

This is a project that they have been working on recently with the assistance of people in the village who have been doing garden surveys and digging test pits.

Visitors are welcome to come to the meeting for a charge of �2 on the door.

Coffee will be available during the evening and there will be a raffle.

WESTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: Members will be holding their next meeting at St Peter’s Church Hall, Baytree Road, at 7.30pm today, doors open 7pm.

The speaker will be a representative from Park Garden Centres on ‘Planting for spring’, including bulb planting and forcing.

They will be bringing along plants and bulbs for sale and for the raffle.

There will also be refreshments.

Admission is free for members and �1 for visitors. New members are welcome.

THE NOTABLE CLUB (NOT ABLE): Jeff Shaw of Drove Road Galleries gave an interesting talk on art conservation and control of wildlife.

Some members visited Puxton Park and the following week Terry Merritt Smith was welcomed to give a presentation ‘Movie musical memories’.

This was very enjoyable, listening to music from past films, learning about the composers and even singing to some well known movie tunes. Lunch at the Catherine’s Inn, Bleadon, was enjoyed by members. The Notable Club is a weekly, socially active lunchtime club for physically disabled people aged 16 to 60 years. Contact Dina on 07845 220349 for details.

THE WESTON AND DISTRICT GUILD OF EMBROIDERERS: Members have invited Jennie Rayment to give a talk about her work on October 22 at 8pm at Cleeve Village Hall.

Jennie is known world-wide for her quilting and fabric manipulation workshops and books and anyone with an interest in the subject is guaranteed an interesting and entertaining evening.

Tickets for the talk, entitled ‘Tribulations of a nipper and tucker’, are �2 per person and are available in advance by contacting Elke Davies on 832176 or on the door on the evening.

BLEADON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: Jean Drew is the guest speaker at the next meeting on Tuesday in the Coronation Hall at 7.30pm. Jean’s topic of spring colour in containers will be accompanied with a practical demonstration. This is open to anyone at �1 admission.

RAF ASSOCIATION (RAFA): The Weston branch/club held a reception last Friday mainly to thank many of our guests for their support during the past year. This Saturday there is another of our popular fish and chip supper evenings, on the 22nd a Bavarian Evening with Jeff Wye providing appropriate musical entertainment and on 28th a delicious roast lunch – names on lists please if you are attending.

Full details of our future programme of events are available at the club or can be seen on our website www.rafa-weston-super-mare.co.uk

RAFA branches and clubs are renowned for their comradeship and friendly atmosphere - why not call in to see what we are all about and maybe join the association?

U3A: Come and enjoy a fascinating afternoon with Lionel Jones on the subject of ‘Railways yesterday and today’. The lecture will held on October 14 at St Paul’s Church Hall, Walliscote Road, Weston, at 2.15pm. There will be tea/coffee afterwards and the cost will be �1.50. Visitors will be made welcome.

BURNHAM-ON-SEA INNER WHEEL: The group continues to support breast cancer patients, by providing breast cushions to Weston hospital, and the local community.

The club recently made more than 34 cushions, 24 of these will go straight to Weston hospital, four are already helping ladies in this area, and the rest will be kept for use within the immediate community. Patients have really appreciated receiving the cushions especially those who have recently had surgery and have used the breast cushions and found them a great comfort in helping to ease the discomfort of surgery.