A local photographer will lead a talk about his new book My Home Town at the Grand Pier next week.

Weston Mercury: Alex Wolfe-Warman's book Mr Home Town.Alex Wolfe-Warman's book Mr Home Town. (Image: Sub)

Alex Wolfe-Warman, aged 52, will discuss the inspiration behind his book, which illustrates the coastal and urban landscape of Weston.

Alex is an award-winning photographer whose work has featured in a number of national and international publications, including The Times.

He was born and raised in Weston until he was 17 years old before returning 25 years later in 2007.

Since returning home, Alex has worked hard to capture the iconic Weston landmarks, buildings and sceneries.

Alex said: “A home town can mean different things to people. It’s based on your own personal experience.

“I had my original memories which were still vivid in my mind but coming back I realised both the town and myself had changed.”

His talk will be held in the Coral Suite on November 4 from 10am to noon.